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Wrapped Objects

In programming, nesting complex data structures within others is common for organizing information. Move allows you to structure data by embedding a struct type within another struct, which is known as wrapping. For example:

public struct Foo has key {
id: UID,
bar: Bar,

public struct Bar has store {
value: u64,

In this example, the Foo struct contains a Bar struct. While Bar is a regular struct, it isn't an object since it lacks the key ability.

To make Bar an object, you can modify its definition:

public struct Bar has key, store {
id: UID,
value: u64,

Now, Bar is also an object type. When Bar is embedded in Foo, it becomes wrapped within Foo. The Foo object serves as the wrapper for the Bar object.

When an object is wrapped, it no longer exists independently on-chain. Its ID cannot be looked up, and it becomes part of the wrapping object's data. You cannot pass the wrapped object as an argument in any IOTA Move calls. The only way to interact with the wrapped object is through the wrapping object.

Circular wrapping, where an object wraps another that eventually wraps back to the first, is not allowed.

Unwrapping Objects

At some point, you may want to take out the wrapped object from its wrapper, making it independent again. This process is called unwrapping. When unwrapped, the object regains its status as an independent object on-chain, accessible via its original ID, which remains unchanged across the wrapping and unwrapping process.

There are different ways to wrap objects, each with its own use case. Below are three methods of wrapping objects and their typical applications.

Direct Wrapping

Direct wrapping occurs when you place one object type as a field within another object type. The most crucial property of direct wrapping is that the wrapped object cannot be unwrapped unless the wrapping object is destroyed. For example, if you wrap a Bar object inside a Foo object, the only way to make Bar standalone again is to unpack (and thus delete) the Foo object.

Direct wrapping is an effective way to implement object locking, where an object is locked with constrained access and can only be unlocked through specific contract calls.

Example: Trusted Swap

The following example demonstrates how to use direct wrapping to implement a trusted swap. Imagine an Object type with scarcity and style fields. Here, scarcity represents how rare the object is, and style defines its content or rendering. If you own such objects and wish to trade them with others, you'd want to ensure a fair trade—trading only with objects that have the same scarcity but different style.

Defining the Object Type

Start by defining the Object type:

public struct Object has key, store {
id: UID,
scarcity: u8,
style: u8,

In a real-world application, you would enforce a limited supply of these objects and implement a mechanism to mint them to a list of owners. For simplicity, the following example focuses on basic object creation:

public fun new(scarcity: u8, style: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext): Object {
Object { id: object::new(ctx), scarcity, style }

Enabling Object Swaps

To facilitate a swap between two objects, both objects must be owned by the same address. The process typically involves sending objects to a third party, such as a swapping service, which helps execute the swap and ensures the objects are returned to their appropriate owners. To retain custody of your objects during this process, direct wrapping is used.

Define a wrapper object type called SwapRequest:

public struct SwapRequest has key {
id: UID,
owner: address,
object: Object,
fee: Balance<IOTA>,

SwapRequest wraps the Object to be swapped and records the original owner. A fee for the swap may also be included.

Requesting a Swap

To request a swap, define a function that allows an Object owner to initiate the process:

public fun request_swap(
object: Object,
fee: Coin<IOTA>,
service: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
assert!(coin::value(&fee) >= MIN_FEE, EFeeTooLow);

let request = SwapRequest {
id: object::new(ctx),
owner: tx_context::sender(ctx),
fee: coin::into_balance(fee),

transfer::transfer(request, service)

In this function, the Object is passed by value, fully consuming it and wrapping it into a SwapRequest. The wrapper object is then sent to the service operator. The example also uses coin::into_balance to wrap the fee's Coin into a Balance.

Executing the Swap

The service operator can execute the swap between two SwapRequest objects using the following function:

public fun execute_swap(s1: SwapRequest, s2: SwapRequest): Balance<IOTA>;

First, unpack the SwapRequest objects to retrieve the inner fields:

let SwapRequest {id: id1, owner: owner1, object: o1, fee: fee1} = s1;
let SwapRequest {id: id2, owner: owner2, object: o2, fee: fee2} = s2;

Next, verify that the swap is legitimate by ensuring the two objects have identical scarcity but different style:

assert!(o1.scarcity == o2.scarcity, EBadSwap);
assert!( !=, EBadSwap);

Perform the swap by transferring the objects to their new owners:

transfer::transfer(o1, owner2);
transfer::transfer(o2, owner1);

Finally, delete the wrapping SwapRequest objects and return the combined fees to the service provider:


Finally, the service merges fee1 and fee2, and returns it:

balance::join(&mut fee1, fee2);

Wrapping with Option

In some cases, direct wrapping might be too rigid. For example, you might want an object type that can optionally contain another object, which can be replaced later. This flexibility can be achieved using Option.

Consider a simple game character—a warrior with a sword and shield. The warrior might not always have these items, and they should be able to equip or replace them as needed. Define the SimpleWarrior type:

public struct SimpleWarrior has key {
id: UID,
sword: Option<Sword>,
shield: Option<Shield>,

Each SimpleWarrior has an optional sword and shield:

public struct Sword has key, store {
id: UID,
strength: u8,

public struct Shield has key, store {
id: UID,
armor: u8,

When creating a new warrior, initialize the sword and shield to none:

public fun create_warrior(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let warrior = SimpleWarrior {
id: object::new(ctx),
sword: option::none(),
shield: option::none(),
transfer::transfer(warrior, tx_context::sender(ctx))

You can then define a function to equip new swords or new shields:

public fun equip_sword(warrior: &mut SimpleWarrior, sword: Sword, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
if (option::is_some(&warrior.sword)) {
let old_sword = option::extract(&mut warrior.sword);
transfer::transfer(old_sword, tx_context::sender(ctx));
option::fill(&mut warrior.sword, sword);

The function passes a warrior as a mutable reference of SimpleWarrior, and passes a sword by value to wrap it into the warrior.

Since Sword is an object type without drop ability, the warrior can't drop that sword if he's already equipped another. If you call option::fill without checking and taking out the existing sword, an error will occur. Therefore, equip_sword should start by checking whether there is already a sword equipped. If so, remove it out and send it back to the sender, in this case, the player's inventory.

Wrapping with vector

Another approach is wrapping objects in a vector, allowing the container object to hold multiple instances of the wrapped type. This approach is useful when an object needs to manage a dynamic collection of other objects.

Define a Farm object that wraps a vector of Pet objects:

public struct Pet has key, store {
id: UID,
cuteness: u64,

public struct Farm has key {
id: UID,
pets: vector<Pet>,

The Farm object can now contain a collection of Pet objects, which can only be accessed through the Farm.