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Table and Bag

Dynamic fields in IOTA allow developers to extend existing objects by adding or removing fields on-the-fly. However, deleting an object that still has dynamic fields, especially non-drop fields, can lead to issues, particularly with on-chain collections holding numerous key-value pairs. To mitigate this, IOTA offers specialized collections— Table and Bag—built on dynamic fields but equipped with mechanisms to count entries and prevent accidental deletion when non-empty.

IOTA also offers ObjectTable and ObjectBag for scenarios requiring visibility of stored objects, accessible via their ID in external storage.


module iota::table {

public struct Table<K: copy + drop + store, V: store> has key, store { /* ... */ }

public fun new<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
ctx: &mut TxContext,
): Table<K, V>;


A Table<K, V> is a homogeneous map where all keys (K) and values (V) share the same type. These tables are created using iota::table::new, which requires a mutable transaction context (&mut TxContext). Because Table itself is an object, it can be transferred, shared, or wrapped like any other object.


For a version of Table that preserves object visibility, see iota::object_table::ObjectTable.


module iota::bag {

public struct Bag has key, store { /* ... */ }

public fun new(ctx: &mut TxContext): Bag;


Unlike Table, Bag is a heterogeneous map capable of holding key-value pairs of different types. Because of this flexibility, Bag does not use type parameters. As with Table, creating a Bag requires a mutable transaction context (&mut TxContext) to generate an ID.

Object Bag

For an object-preserving version of Bag, see iota::object_bag::ObjectBag.

The following sections detail how to interact with these collections, using iota::table for examples, with notes on differences in other modules.

Using Collections

All collection types offer the following core functions, defined in their respective modules:

module iota::table {

public fun add<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &mut Table<K, V>,
k: K,
v: V,

public fun borrow<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &Table<K, V>,
k: K
): &V;

public fun borrow_mut<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &mut Table<K, V>,
k: K
): &mut V;

public fun remove<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &mut Table<K, V>,
k: K,
): V;


These functions enable you to add, read, modify, and remove entries in the collection. The Table type parameters (K and V) ensure that all operations on a single instance of Table maintain consistent key and value types. In contrast, Bag, which lacks these type parameters, allows operations with varying key and value types on the same instance.


As with dynamic fields, attempting to overwrite an existing key, or access or remove a non-existent key, results in an error.

While Bag offers flexibility by permitting different key-value pair types, this flexibility means the type system doesn't prevent adding a value with one type and then attempting to retrieve it with another type. Such mismatches will result in runtime errors.

Querying Length

You can query the length of any collection and check if it is empty using the following functions:

module iota::table {

public fun length<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &Table<K, V>,
): u64;

public fun is_empty<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &Table<K, V>
): bool;


While Bag supports these functions, they are not generic like in Table since Bag doesn't use type parameters.

Querying for Containment

You can check if a key exists in a table with the following function:

module iota::table {

public fun contains<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: &Table<K, V>
k: K
): bool;


For Bag, the equivalent functions are:

module iota::bag {

public fun contains<K: copy + drop + store>(bag: &Bag, k: K): bool;

public fun contains_with_type<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
bag: &Bag,
k: K
): bool;


The first function checks if the bag contains a key-value pair with the key k: K, while the second additionally verifies that the value associated with the key has the specified type V.


To prevent accidental deletion when non-empty, collection types like Table and Bag do not have the drop ability. Instead, they must be explicitly deleted using the following API:

module iota::table {

public fun destroy_empty<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
table: Table<K, V>,


This function deletes the collection only if it is empty. If the collection contains entries, the deletion fails. For convenience, iota::table::Table also provides:

module iota::table {

public fun drop<K: copy + drop + store, V: drop + store>(
table: Table<K, V>,


This function can delete a table regardless of its state but only if the value type (V) has the drop ability. Unlike other languages, Move requires you to call drop explicitly—it does not occur automatically when a table goes out of scope.

Bag and ObjectBag do not support drop due to their potential to hold various types, some of which might not have the drop ability.

Similarly, ObjectTable does not support drop because its values are objects, which cannot be dropped as they must contain a UID field, and UID lacks the drop ability.


Collection equality in Move is based on identity, not content. This means that a collection instance is only equal to itself, even if another collection holds identical entries:

let t1 = iota::table::new<u64, u64>(ctx);
let t2 = iota::table::new<u64, u64>(ctx);

assert!(&t1 == &t1, 0);
assert!(&t1 != &t2, 1);

This identity-based equality is unlikely to be the behavior you want for comparing collections.