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15 docs tagged with "Explanation"

Content that explains and helps understand a concept.

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Architecture Overview

Learn how the IOTA Gas Station simplifies user interactions with the IOTA network by enabling sponsored transactions.

Before You Start

A guide to familiarizing yourself with the IOTA repository, branch and network structure, SDKs, CLI, and recommended IDEs and plugins.

Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

The Decentralized Identifiers (DID) standard from W3C is the fundamental standard that supports the concept of a decentralized digital identity. Explore the basic aspects of the DID standard.

Getting Started

An introduction to getting started with IOTA Rebased development.

The IOTA Repository

A guide to familiarizing yourself with the IOTA repository, including branch and network structure.

Verifiable Credentials

Verifiable credentials are statements about the holder. They can be verified online or in person, and the holder decides who to share them with.

Verifiable Presentations

A verifiable presentation is the recommended data format for sharing one or more verifiable credentials.