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IOTA Architecture

IOTA shares some similarities with other blockchains but is unique in many ways. Use the topics in this section to understand the features that define the IOTA network.

Understand IOTA Security

Learn about the mechanisms available to secure on-chain assets, and the assurances IOTA provides regarding asset security. "Understand IOTA Security" explores the overall IOTA security architecture, to ensure the asset types you design leverage IOTA to provide a secure experience for asset holders.

Go to Understand IOTA Security.

Life of a Transaction

"Life of a Transaction" details the transitions that all transactions on IOTA go through from creation to finality. This topic also explores some features of the blockchain (like epochs and checkpoints) that play a role in the life of a transaction.

Go to Life of a Transaction.


Every transaction on IOTA is sequenced by consensus, where validators agree to the same order of execution of the transactions, even if a minority of them are down or are malicious actors that want to harm the network and users. IOTA currently uses the Mysticeti consensus algorithm.

Go to Consensus.

Protocol Upgrades

The IOTA protocol, framework, and execution engine are frequently extended to include new functionality and bug fixes. This functionality is added in the form of new code which is released to validator operators as part of our regular software releases. The IOTA protocol, however, requires a supermajority of validators to agree on those protocol upgrades.

Go to Protocol Upgrades.

IOTA Architecture Diagram

The following diagram describes the architectural structure for IOTA's solution.

The core components are:

IOTA ArchitectureIOTA Architecture